Wednesday was my third Chemotherapy treatment and I am excited to say that I am almost halfway through all of my chemo. I say “almost” because I am still struggling through the side effects of this most recent treatment and feel like once I get through the next few days, I can honestly say I am halfway there. I have been relying on the Sancuso patch again for this round and it has been successful at keeping the nausea under control and keeping me out of the ER. I am extremely grateful for that. I am also grateful for the Lord’s provision of those that cared for the kids and for me during the days when I am mostly in my bed. It seems that He always works out the schedule to allow my mom, my aunt, and my friends to fill in the gaps when I don’t have the strength for the usual activities.
This week I have been reminded once again that this journey that I am on is all because God loves me and wants the best for me. He has provided an opportunity (“a Land Between” as we heard at church on Sunday) for growth as I seek to put my trust completely in Him and learn that God is all I need. I don’t think I could have learned this without traveling through this land between at this time in my life. So I will continue to be grateful and cling to how great His affections are for me.
I am including a YouTube link to a song that I heard last Sunday. I was so overwhelmed by “How He Loves Us”. Click here to listen.