Wednesday, March 6th was the day for which we had been waiting for many months. We had dreamed, we had planned, then we had waited. Our flight was scheduled to leave at 7 am and we would arrive at approximately 3:30 in the afternoon Hawaii time. That was until a winter storm decided to hit the night before our departure causing our flight to be canceled. Instead, we were rebooked for a slightly later flight the following morning. This would mean losing one of our precious vacation days. The “before cancer me” would have grown bitter especially to see that our winter storm ended up to be a windy, rainy day and not the 8 inches of snow they at one time predicted. Instead of growing bitter, I was desperate to trust. I could see The Lord working out every detail knowing His timing was somehow His protection for us. We woke on Thursday to a clear, sunny day and boarded both of our flights without a hitch.
As I had eagerly anticipated March 6th, I must admit I had also anxiously anticipated it. I wasn’t sure I was up for the challenge of taking two preschoolers on a 12-hour journey. The kids proved to be excellent travelers and were even complimented on their ability to stay entertained on such a long flight. We landed on time at about 5:30 pm Hawaii time, and our first stop was a local food chain called Zippy’s for some of Blake’s favorite foods. Our bodies were exhausted from being awake for 20 hours but our hearts were bursting with excitement to have made it to this amazing place that we have missed so much.
If you want to read about our Hawaiian activities from the start, click here.