This handsome man in the pink shirt is my husband, Blake. Yesterday he got dressed for work and realizing what day it was, he came down wearing this. Seeing him in his bright pink UnderArmor was a reminder that I am blessed beyond description to be walking through this life with him. We have been married 10 years this past May, and with every year I am assured that God knew exactly what I needed in a spouse when he gave me Blake. I have blogged about my man before here, here and here, oh and here too.
I have talked about him being the wind in my sails but for our family (please excuse my nerdy anatomical reference) Blake is like the spine. I got the heart part covered, Koa is the brain and Kalea is without a doubt the funny bone. Sure he supports us financially but with his wisdom and understanding of what is truly important, He is at the core of our mission as a family to think like Jesus, be thankful in all circumstances and love each other and others effectively.