This past week, I celebrated my 42nd Birthday. I should be so excited to celebrate another year of life and health, but lately birthday’s have become tricky for me. I don’t love to feel (and look) older, I hate for summer to slip away, I worry that Fall means another start to running so fast and hard that we don’t even notice the flip of the calendar page, and then I feel guilty for not being able to just be “thankful” for the “grace upon grace” that I so proudly wear on my shirts. I want to celebrate but I think I just want to hide from the reality, even if for just a few more days. So that is what our family did this last week of summer. We checked out a bit with my parents at their home near the beach.
As much as I hate for my beloved summer to come to a close, this one has been tough for things concerning Pinked and a flip to the calendar might be welcomed. What seemed would be some great updates to our website in May was met with one after another cyber-related attacks to the way I have handled incoming kit requests and fulfillment of those requests. For this non-tech savvy girl, I was pulling my hair out. I have had to make some adjustments and things do seem to be running more smoothly. The requests continue to come and many supporters of Pinked have been so generous to meet the needs that were made known in the last two “First Monday’s”.
As far as the needs for this month of September, the items on our Pinked Perspective Amazon Wishlist are always needed for the fulfillment of the kit requests that continue to come our way every day. However, I would say the greatest need would be for volunteers for our annual event, the Think Pink Family Fun Run/Walk that is coming up on Saturday, October 26, 2019. We have a need for help in the following areas: food donations/prep, kids activities, set up/decorating/clean up, day of registration/collecting kit supplies, raffle basket donations, organizing teams, sponsorship, honoring the Pink Warriors, and the Walk/Run course. If you have any interest in jumping in to help in the planning or the day of the event, we would love to have you. Feel free to contact me and we can talk volunteer possibilities!