Over the last few weeks I have been participating in a Zoom Bible study with the ladies of my home church. We are discussing Disappointment as we process through the pages of Lysa Terkeurst’s book, It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way. The message that I have received over the last week and to be honest since my journey of breast cancer (going on 9 years ago!!) has been COMPASSION. This life of mine is not really mine so my struggles are not just mine. They are for a purpose to open my eyes to things not yet seen and change me but also to be shared in compassion for others. This has so impacted me this week and taken me back to the very foundation of why Pinked Perspective exists. I am grateful for this word and convicted that as we start to make our way out of this Coronavirus season, that our compassion for for one another is so vital. Seeing with eyes of compassion are never more needed as we all face the devastating after effects that this season has left. I claim this with all Hope.
Pinked Update:
This is the current state of our supply of assembled kits. So to be honest, our greatest need would a gathering of friends to put some kits together. While I hope that we aren’t too far from gathering together again even if it were for an outdoor kit assembly, I think we all still need a little more time to get our feet under us.
We need your Think Pink 2020 Ideas! Another immediate need are some ideas for our annual Think Pink event! October is quickly approaching and while I hope we will get to see significant progress in the repair, a gathering of 200+ people will most likely not be an option by then. One idea we have is to host a Think Pink Drop Spot for you to swing by and drop of kit supply donations. However, we know that there is a lot creativity out there so please consider letting us know of any ideas you might have!
The Amazon Wishlist Has Been Updated! We understand this is a time of financial hardship for many, and we are sensitive to that reality. If you are in a position to contribute to the needs of Pinked this month, click on the link to view our Amazon Wishlist.
Support Pinked Perspective with Amazon Smile! If you don’t support an organization through Amazon Smile yet, please consider designating Pinked Perspective to benefit from your Amazon Smile purchases. We were so excited to receive our first payment from Amazon Smile this month! Click HERE to learn more about Amazon Smile.