It’s November first, it’s seventy degrees, the sun is brightly shining, and the trees are boasting that fall is actually here. Following my Thursday morning routine of Bible Study Fellowship, I can’t think of anywhere I would rather be than taking in this day with a walk on the B&A trail, the exact site of the walk portion of our Think Pink event. It’s the perfect scenario and setting for some reflection on my beloved October.
The theme of this busy season of Pinked was “Be Strong and Courageous” as I sensed that God knew my doubts and hesitations about how He might want to continue to grow this ministry, and He would have no parts of that kind of weakness in me. It was a word from Him that was undeniable as I walked through study of the book of Joshua, heard sermons from Exodus and attended other Pink Warrior events this October. It was so undeniable that it ended up on the back of a shirt that many proudly wore at last Saturday’s Think Pink event. Little did they know their backs were speaking to me and holding me up throughout.
Even with such reminders, there is a tendency in me (I venture to say in us all) to let my mind wander to the places of what wasn’t. Why wasn’t last Saturday a beautiful fall day such as this? Why wasn’t this person or that person there? Why wasn’t my Pink Warrior banner staying up on the wall, for goodness sake?! It is a lesson in contentment that I constantly remind myself and my children to focus on what is and not on what isn’t. It doesn’t mean that I am not always in process with it.
But to think of all that WAS this October, that is where I am finding my strength and courage for what lies ahead for Pinked Perspective:
- One of my favorite local shops partnered with Pinked Perspective to raise funds and spread the word to our Community about the ministry that we provide.
- The Women’s Ministry of my home church got to hear firsthand about the impact of Pinked Perspective and join in support of those facing a breast cancer diagnosis for the fourth consecutive year.
- Over 20 Kits were sent to ladies facing a breast cancer diagnosis this month (that is an average of 5 per week).
- Our work friends at Maximum Performance PT wore Pink every Wednesday in support of Pinked Perspective and to raise awareness for breast cancer.
- Several people learned about the mission of Pinked for the first time and opened their hearts with donations for Pink Warriors in the forms of decorative pumpkins, spunkwear and cross necklaces.
- 25 of my favorite people volunteered their time and joyfully wore baseball tees to help make all the details of Think Pink that live in my head become a reality.
- We sold out of much of our new Pinked gear that was designed for this year’s event and that means our “brand” is getting out.
- Despite a nasty Saturday morning that may have been much better spent cuddled up at home, over 150 people gathered at Holy Grounds in support of Pinked Perspective.
- More than 20 Pink Warriors were honored and celebrated this past Saturday.
- And although donations are still coming and being accounted for, it seems that over $15,000.00 was raised, in addition to the pink “kit” items that were gathered for those facing surgery or other treatment.
There is not enough thanks that could be said for another unbelievable October. It is truly a privilege to be part of what The Lord is doing through Pinked Perspective.