“You are too healthy for us,” he says with a big smile and fist bump to accompany it. Pretty sweet words from my Oncologist days after staying up all night with a few of my closest friends selling Kalua pork sliders in the name of raising money for so many that will face their own Cancer journeys. To say it has been a precious week would not do it justice.
Our participation at Relay for Life Arnold last weekend as a Pinked Perspective team far exceeded my expectations. (I try not to have too many expectations with these events. I am still learning how to plan them.) Our team raised over $2000 for the American Cancer Society, I got to share my heart for the ministry of Pinked Perspective, and it was a celebration of life 4 years later. It was made complete with the presence of many people we love and plenty of aloha sprinkled throughout our campsite.
Perhaps one of my favorite parts of the day is that our kids had a blast with their friends. Now they will look forward to many years of Relaying and helping other families who will face Cancer in our area. Events like this and the Think Pink Walk in October open doors of conversation with them about the journey we walked when they were too young to remember (thank you, Lord!), the reality of death, and the One who offers hope because He conquered death for us on a cross.
I am awed by those that stood by us in the midst of the struggle and continue to stand with us in our commitment to not waste our days. It is impossible to accurately convey my gratitude for the participation in such events as Relay for Life where we have the opportunity to remember and rejoice. It is how we turn the lemons into lemonade and find beauty in the ashes.
Enjoy our short Flipagram of highlights from our Relay for Life 2015.