In my last post, I mentioned Moses questioning God’s call to leadership. Who am I?“ (Ex. 3:11) he asks. “I am slow of speech and tongue.” (Ex 4:10) he argues.
The objections, the excuses, I put forth are not much different: “There is too much to manage in my own house.” “I am not good at asking for help.” The thoughts and lies Satan whispers that try to prevent me from continuing on in the work of supporting others facing cancer diagnoses through Pinked Perspective are a bit of a plague to be honest.
But I remember God’s spoken responses to Moses, “I will be with you.” (Exodus 3:12) “I will help you speak and teach you what to say” (Exodus 4:12) Then I recall all of the miraculous signs God performed in order to bring His chosen people out from Egypt and set them up in the promised land complete with stone tablets of instruction and a gathering place filled with His presence.
There is no doubt that God has been with me in this ministry. There is also no doubt that when I write, the words are not my own. And when I am tempted to doubt, I practice the discipline of standing up to the thoughts and focusing on truth. I also choose to focus on the signs:
• More than 100 people attended this year’s Think Pink event on October 4th, 2014.
• Pinked Perspective has gathered over $5000 in the 7 short months since it became a non-profit entity.
• Our spare bedroom is overflowing with pink items waiting to be put into care packages for those facing a breast cancer diagnosis.
• Many have offered their gifts of sewing, organization and administration to help provide items for kits, sell t-shirts and make the Think Pink event such a success.
• At least 20 women received kits in 2014 and hopefully felt loved and supported in Christ’s name as a result.
These signs are truly miraculous to me, probably because of all of my doubt. It is wonderful to be a part of it but I also know that God doesn’t need me to make others feel loved. He wants to use me and that is where I feel loved myself.
“And this will be a sign to you that it is I who have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.” (Exodus 3:12)