You may (or more likely may not) recall a post I wrote a little before Easter last year about Shabbat which is the Jewish word for Sabbath. (If you don’t recall, you can certainly find it HERE and might be worth another read especially if you enjoy the art of looking back like I do.) […]
These Are The Days of…/Simply Tuesday Release
Sometimes the big moments and tragic Tuesdays help us pay better attention to the importance of what is filling our ordinary Tuesdays. And sometimes a “These are the days of…” list helps us capture exactly what is filling our ordinary Tuesdays. For me, these are the days of… Reflecting on being four years small Holding […]
Tuesday Small
Today is not a Tuesday, but four years ago on this date, it happened to be a Tuesday. I wrote about the significance of the events of that day in a post entitled Divine Appointment. Lately I have been reading a lot about Tuesdays in Emily Freeman’s yet to be released book Simply Tuesday. [only […]
Set Apart
There is a question from one of my Bible study lessons that continues to puzzle me. Normally I am content to move on past the stumping questions and onto those that I feel I can provide a solid, scripturally-sound answer. But I believe God was hoping I might wrestle with this one a bit. The […]
What If….
I can say that cancer and suffering give the beautiful gift of perspective. It is the gift you never wanted , the gift wrapped in confusion and brokenness and heartbreak. It’s the gift that strips all your other ideas of living from you completely. The beautiful, ugly raising to the surface of the importance of […]
Book Review: A Million Little Ways
Uncovering the art alive within me and releasing it into my world is what it means to worship God. -Emily Freeman I would not consider myself a “reader”. I enjoy reading but I don’t breeze through books. It is partly a time thing but it is mostly an attention thing. Sometimes I finish a book. […]