At our church, we have been doing a very engaging sermon series called Built, Loaded and Launched about what we are called to be as “the church”. Today was all about the launch. Pastor Pat asked several great questions to bring up the point that the church is meant to provide us a filter based in scripture where what we are exposed to in the world can be sifted in order for us to come out looking more like Jesus on the other side. {Def worth a listen here}
The first question he asked was “Do you have real church community where you are truly known?” Perhaps it is my extroversion (real word?) that makes my survival dependent upon connecting with others, but I can honestly say that at every season of my life I could answer “yes” to this question. I have written about it numerous times here and here. When that bend in the road hit us outta nowhere, it was our God-given community that saved us.
What does that community look like for the Pink Warrior in your life? It can be very different for different people, and we must be sensitive to that. But I hope I have started answering that through the last eleven posts. Hang with me and I pray that I can continue answering it over the next nineteen.
What community looks like
[…] Day 12: Be Her Community […]