Prior to July 26th of last year, we were experiencing a season of comfort. Our jobs were stable, we had two healthy babies, and we were settling into our (relatively) new home. We were without any major worries. Then with a quiver in her voice, the radiologist spoke the words, “You have 3 nodules in your right breast and one lymph node that is borderline abnormal.” Suddenly the shoe dropped and in a moment, my tomorrow became a question mark. The weeks that followed were full of testing that would determine how far the cancer had spread and what treatment would be necessary to kill the cancer cells in my body. The weeks that followed were also full of sleepless nights and pleading prayers. I have seen cancer take many friends home to be with Jesus. Would I be around to work that stable job, care for those healthy children and clean my new home? As the days passed and my cancer story unfolded, I discovered that God’s plan was for me to fight the good fight and win this time. The cancer had not spread to any of my lymph nodes and was assuredly removed from my breast, along with the rest of the breast tissue that it might potentially attack in the future. But just because I walked through cancer once and did all I could do to prevent its return, it still doesn’t mean my tomorrow is a guarantee. For this reason, I take each moment as a gift, stopping to breathe in the Grace and breathe out the thanks.
From The Homesteading Cottage says
Recently found your blog via The Nester’s 31 Day Challenge and have become your newest follower! I’ve joined the challenge this year too and can’t wait to come back for more of your series! It’s truly inspirational (;
It seems like the last several years have been grace filled trials for us…times spotted with starting over, several deaths and almost another only to have been given the miracle of healing. Hang strong…share your story…love hard…and know that your story is touching more hearts than you ever imagined.
In Gratitude,
31 Days of Preparation with The Homesteading Cottage
Kara Hamilton says
Thank you, Michele for following and encouraging me. I look forward to checking out your 31 Days as well.